A personal loan can be taken out with a bank, credit union, or private vendor. These loans can be used for any purpose and are paid out in one lump sum. Loans are often repaid to the lender over several years, much in the same way we've illustrated in our Credit Card Payoff Calculator.
Unlike revolving credit like credit cards, personal loans offer a fixed amount of money at a fixed interest rate, paid back in fixed monthly installments.
If you need a specific amount of money for a particular purpose and can afford to pay it back in fixed monthly installments, a personal loan may be right for you.
Bright Path Debt Relief offers access to low rates with a fixed payment schedule, so you know exactly when you will pay off your consolidated debt. With loans through Milestone Solutions Lending, your interest rate is FIXED. Most credit card rates are variable and can increase. Lock in a FIXED rate with us, especially as the Fed might raise rates again soon.
No, we do not require or accept any collateral for a loan through Bright Path Debt Relief Solutions.